Can Parrot Eat Bones? A Delicious Meal!

No, parrots cannot eat bones. It is harmful for them. If you want to keep your parrot healthy, then it is preferable not to serve meat bones to your parrot. Although, bones contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin K.

One of the most important nutrient, omega 3 is found in bone marrow. All these are essential for parrots healthy survival and long life. Parrots cannot eat meat bones because they have very sensitive beaks, that’s why they cannot eat bones. If your parrot eat bones, it will hurt their beaks and faces choking hazards.

In this article, I will tell: Various types of bones that are suitable and unsuitable for parrots to consume. Merits and demerits of eating bones for parrots. Difference between raw and cooked bones and frequently asked questions. For further information, stay tuned.

Let’s start without wasting time!

Types of Bones

Types of Bones

As you all know that bones are toxic for parrots and parrots cannot eat bones. As a parrot owner for 8 years, here, I will tell you the various types of bones that are suitable for parrot species to consume, if they eat in a small quantity.

Chicken Bones

Chicken bones are suitable for parrots to eat. Because, it is soft and in small size and parrots can easily crack them to reach the bone marrow. In addition, Chicken and Turkey bones contain a very small amount of cholesterol and are good in taste. That’s why, it is preferred to serve Chicken or Turkey bones in small amounts to parrots.

Pork Bones

Pork bones are quite hard as compared to the Chicken or Turkey bones. So, if your parrot eats pork bones, it will affect parrots badly and cause injury to the parrots beaks. As you know that red meat is high in calories, fats etc that will cause serious health problems in parrots. In addition, bones contain an excess amount of cholesterol that will cause arteries damage, increases the cardiovascular problems and parrots majority faces strokes and heart attacks.

Fish Bones

Many birds like golden eagle, seagulls,  parrots etc can eat fish. But the question arises; can parrots eat fish bones? The answer is No, the fish bones are hard for parrots to eat. It cause difficulty in digestion. Raw or cooked fish bones cause choking hazards in parrots.

Merits of Eating Bones

Although, bones are unhealthy for parrots but they contains a large amount of calcium and vitamins that are needed by captive parrot. So, eating bones may be healthier for parrots. The following essential nutrients are present in bones in abundance. These nutrients are mentioned below:

  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorous
  • Protein
  • Fats 
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin A
  • Potassium

Bones are harmful for parrots. But bone marrow is healthier for them. A scientific research shows that bone marrow contains omega 6 that is harmful for African Gray Parrots, if they consumed in small or in large quantities. Omega 3 is important and healthier for parrot species but omega 6 is extremely toxic. Bone marrow contains many nutrients that are given below:

  • Omega-3
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin B2 
  • Copper
  • Vitamin B12
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin K
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E

Demerits of Eating Bones

As you know that bones are extremely dangerous for parrot species. If your parrot eat bones in excess, then it will suffer from serious health issues. Moderation is of great importance while serving any food to parrots. Some of the demerits of eating bones for your feathery friend are as follows:

  • Food poisoning
  • Rise in proteins
  • Allergic reactions
  • Stomach problems
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy fats
  • Diabetes
  • More calories
  • Liver problems
  • Cholesterol
  • Heart issues 
  • Breathing problems

Raw VS Cooked Bones

Raw VS Cooked Bones

Parrots cannot eat raw and cooked bones. Cooked bones are easier for parrots to eat because it is soft and easily digestible. Many parrot owners remove the meat and then serve bones to parrots. So, that parrots can easily reach bone marrow.

Raw bones cause a chocking hazard in parrots. That’s why it is preferable not to serve raw bones to the parrot species.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Parrots Eat Bone Marrows?

Yes, parrot can eat bone marrow. It is healthier for them. Parrots love to eat bone marrows, instead of bones and meat. If you serve bone marrows in excess then it will harm your parrots. If you serve bone marrows in excess than your parrot will gain a high amount of fats and that will cause obesity and weight gain in parrots. It is recommended, not to serve high calories or fats to the parrot species.

Can Parrot Species Eat Bones?

No, parrot species cannot eat bones. It is toxic for them. Parrots like to eat different types of meat but bones are unsuitable for them. Some parrot species are more sensitive than other, that a very small amount of bones are harmful for them.

As a pet owner for 8 years, I will tell the names of parrot species that can not eat bones. These names are as follows:

Keep hovering!

  • Cockatoos
  • Hyacinth Macaws
  • Eclectus 
  • Cockatiel
  • African Gray Parrot
  • Quaker 
  • Budgies
  • Yellow – Naped Amazon

Can Parrots Crack Meat Bones?

Can Parrots Crack Meat Bones?

The answer is both Yes and No. Wild and large parrot species have strong bones that enables them to crack nuts, it means that they can easily crack bones to reach bone marrow. Small parrot species including lovebirds, parakeets, parrotlet and budgies, etc cannot crack bones and are unable to reach bone marrow. 

Many parrot owners, break the bones into two halves. So, that the small parrot species can easily reach bone marrow without any harm or injury. As a parrot owner, if you are worried about your parrots beak, then it is better to cut the bones in small pieces and then serve it to the parrots.

Can Parrots Eat Bones Broth?

Yes, parrots can eat bone broth. It is good for their digestive health. As a parrot owner, you can use following bones to make bone broth for your parrot species:

  • Pork.
  • Lamb
  • Duck
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Bison
  • Buffalo

If your parrot is weak, then you should serve bone broth to parrots to give enough energy including 20% amino acids and 9 essential nutrients. If your parrot do not drink water, then it is good for them to serve bone broth because it contains high water content that is life saver for them.

Last Lines

Bones are unhealthy for parrot species. Many parrot species are omnivores, but they cannot eat bones. They can eat meat but bones are hard and difficult for them to digest. While eating bones parrots can get injury and hurt their beaks. 

As a parrot owner, you can adopt various methods of serving the bone marrow to parrots. Because, it is healthy and delicious food item for parrots. However on the other hand, bones cause serious effects on parrots health. That’s why, it is suggested not to serve bones to the parrots.

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Thanks for Reading!

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