Why Do Magpies Attack Eyes? Hidden Truth

Why Do Magpies Attack Eyes

To protect their youngsters, magpies attack on eyes. They have great swooping tendencies. When they feel threatened, they start hitting on eyes, as they know eyes are sensitive parts and by attacking eyes, they easily distract their enemies and predators and protect their chicks.

This shows their defensive behavior, especially during nesting time. They have great swooping tendencies. They are intelligent as well as territorial birds. Attacks on the eyes are risky as well as life-threatening. By understanding the behavior of magpies you can avoid the attacks of them.

In this article, I will tell you. 

  • Territorial behavior of birds,
  • Reasons for attacking eyes,
  • Impact of attacks on human beings,
  • Why does eye contact matter?
  • Why do magpies only attack certain people?

Let’s start without wasting time.

Magpies: Territorial Birds

Magpies: Territorial Birds

Magpies are the territorial birds. They have good cognitive abilities similar to crows, ravens etc. They are intelligent birds famous for their great problem-solving skills and recognising human beings. They are experts in vocal mimicry. Their breeding season often starts in the spring.

Reason for Magpie’s Territorial Nature

As a bird lover and caretaker, here, I will tell you some reasons for the territorial nature of magpies.

  • Protection of Nest: They show territorial behavior, when they feel threatened and become more protective for their youngsters and nests. They think they are more powerful to stop the attack of predators instead of moving objects immediately, if predators approach their nesting area.
  • Recognition of Threats: As you know magpies are capable of remembering human beings. So, if they think that a person will harm them, they will show more aggressive behavior.
  • Limited Nesting Period: Their nesting season mainly continues to 2 to 3 months, so they are more focused on the protection of their youngsters. So, if they feel any risk for any threat they immediately swoop and hit their eyes.

Reasons for Attacking Eyes

When magpies show aggressive behavior, they immediately attack the eyes of individuals. It seems to be intentionally, but different reasons show why magpies only attack faces particularly the eyes of the individuals.

Keep hovering!

  1. Sensitive Area: Different birds and animals like magpies know that eyes are the sensitive spots. They think that by attacking on eyes, they easily distract their predators immediately.
  2. High Precision: Magpies are known as agile birds having great coordination. They can accurately swoop down and aim to hit the face eyes. 
  3. Distraction Tricks: By attacking on eyes magpies distract the predators. An attack to the face results in more time for the magpies to protect their youngsters and nests from enemies.
  4. Reflective Surfaces: Sunglasses and different spectacles used by human beings attract birds and they come close to them. This makes magpies think that there is a risk and they show aggressive behavior by attacking on eyes.

The Impact of Attacks on Human Beings 

The Impact of Attacks on Human Beings 

The attacks of magpies have a serious impact on human beings, as they can lead to serious injuries and sometimes lead to death. If they hit the eye, then it is very risky for the individual to survive, because they attack the eyes with more power. Here, I will tell you about some increase caused by the magpies’ attack

  • Eye Injuries: Powerful and direct attacks to the eyes of individuals lead to many difficulties like loss of eyesight, damage to eyes’ cells etc
  • Scratches and Minor Wounds: The claws of the magpies cause scratches to the face and other parts of the individual.
  • Psychological Impact: Magpies attacks have a serious psychological impact on the individual as it will cause fear and anxiety in them.

Why Does Eye Contact Matter?

Why Does Eye Contact Matter?

Eye contact is a symbol of challenges and threats for birds including magpies. If the individual maintains eye contact with magpies, then they will become threatened and immediately attack on eyes to protect them. That is the one reason that shows people are attacked by magpies without reaching their nest due to eye contact with them.

Tips to Avoid Magpie Attacks

Different methods can reduce the attacks of magpies particularly in the breeding season, when their aggressive behavior reaches the peak. Here, I will tell you simple strategies that you can adopt to reduce the risk of being swooped.

  • Avoid Known Nesting Areas: It is better to avoid going to those areas where magpies are found during the breeding season.
  • Wear Protective Gear: It is preferred to wear wide-brimmed hats to stop the attack of magpies. Protective gears and hats are useful for the protection of the face and particularly the eyes.
  • Direct eye contact: Avoid making direct eye contact with magpies, as they feel fear from them.
  • Move Calmly: It is better to work steadily near the magpies to avoid attacks, as they feel secure with your movements.

Why Do Magpies Only Attack Certain People?

You will be astonished to know that magpies don’t attack every individual. They attack selective individuals based on their interaction with them. The criteria for this adaptiveness is the memory of magpies to recognize humans. Here I will tell you great reasons of these are targeted attacks by the magpies.

  • Memorization of Faces: Magpies have strong memory. If they have negative memories associated with anyone in the past, then they will be more aggressive and like to target them.
  • Body Language and Movement: Fast movements near the magpies make them threatened. Loud individuals are also targeted by the magpies.

The Evolutionary Reasons Behind Attacks of Magpies 

If we see the evolutionary perspective of attacks on magpies, it will make sense. Like many other animals, they have developed defensive behavior to increase the survival of their offsprings. Evolution has an important role in shaping the behavior of magpies, which I will discuss below. 

  • Survival of Offspring: Magpie have differences behavior and protective genes which they can pass to their youngsters
  • Defense Mechanisms: Aggressive behavior is better than fleeing in birds, as it will develop territory and decrease the risk of threat.
  • Learning and Adaptation: They are highly adapted to the environment in which they live and adopts various defensive tricks to immediately stop their predators 


Magpies swooping tendencies show their intelligence, territorial instincts and defensive behavior. It is better to understand the reasons of attacks by the magpies for adopt defensive strategies. These attacks are dangerous as well as have a serious impact on the psychological health of human beings. It is better to use spectacles, sunglasses, hats etc, to avoid the attacks of magpies. Avoiding frequent visits near their nest during the breeding season will also reduce the attacks of magpies. Direct eye contact is also a leading cause of aggression in magpies, as they feel it as a symbol of threat. 

If you find any problem in reading the content, text me in the comment box, and I will reply to you soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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