Why Are Doves The Symbol Of Peace? Facts About Doves

Why Are Doves The Symbol Of Peace

Doves are symbolic representation of peace due to non aggressive nature. Doves are calm birds. Throughout history, doves have a very good image. It shows their pure loyalty, harmony, peaceful nature etc. They have a religious importance too. From a religious point of view, dove serves as a beacon of unity and union. They are blessed with unique characteristics which birds and animals do not have. They are unique birds with unique traits.

In this article I will tell you:

  • Historical and cultural significance of doves as the symbol of peace
  • Why do doves represent peace?
  • Fascinating facts about doves 
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

The Historical and Cultural Significance of Doves as Symbols of Peace

The Historical and Cultural Significance of Doves as Symbols of Peace

Biblical Symbolism

Doves are the symbol of peace from biblical times. They have a very famous story named Noah’s Ark in which doves play an active role. In this story, there is a flood which destroys everything and when the water level down. Noah sent a dove in search of dry land.

Ancient Greek and Roman Cultures

Doves have great importance in Greek and Roman cultures. They associate doves with love and peace. They associate doves with the Goddess of love Venus and Aphrodite. Doves are their deities that show their grace, harmony peace etc. They are the symbol of serenity.

Modern Peace Movements

In modern times of the 20th century, doves are the sign of peace, after the second world war. Spanish artist named Pablo Picasso draw a picture of white dove. It held olive branch for the World Peace Congress held in 1949. This work is combined with cultural significance and peace activism.

Why Do Doves Represent Peace?

Why Do Doves Represent Peace?

There are a lot of reasons which show that the dove is the most peaceful bird. Here I will tell you some of these reason: 

  • Gentle Nature: Doves are famous for their excellent calm, peaceful and docile behavior. Unlike aggressive birds, hawks and eagles spend a very peaceful life in their flock. They rarely show any predatory behavior.
  • Monogamous Behavior: Courtship rituals are found in their monogamous behavior. They form strong bonds with their partners. Their strong bond is the symbol for love, peace, unity, attraction etc. It also promotes and enhances their relationship.
  • White Feathers: As you know that doves have white feathers. White color is linked with purity, peace, harmony, innocence etc. The pure white feathers of Eurasian collared doves exhibit all these qualities.
  • Religious and Cultural Iconography: In cultures and religions, doves are sign of peace. This tradition leads doves to a peaceful icon across the society.

Fascinating Facts About Doves

Fascinating Facts About Doves

Although, they have symbolic importance. They acquired unique characteristics that make them different from other species. Here, I will tell you some unique facts about this unique creature.

Many Species of Doves

There are 300 species of doves. They are living in different corners of the world having varied size, habitat, color etc. The term pigeon is also used for doves. When you talk about the dove, it represents a smaller species. When talking about pigeon, it refers to larger species.

Doves Have Excellent Navigational Skills

Doves are excellent navigators. They have exceptional and outstanding navigational skills. The pet pigeons who are similar in appearance to doves are known for this ability. They can find any place by using the sun’s direction.

Doves Are Symbolic in Many Cultures

Doves have symbolic importance in western culture. They associate doves with peace. In Hinduism, they  considered doves as the messenger of God. In Chinese traditions, doves are sign of fidelity.

Doves Have Soft, Melodic Calls

Doves have soft melodic calls that represent their peaceful nature. Their communication is the part of courtship rituals. They use their communication skills to attract their mates.

Doves are Monogamous

Doves are included in the list of those species that have monogamous behavior. They mat,e for their life making a strong long lasting bond with their mate. Their monogamous behavior is very rare in animal kingdom. Their behavior shows loyalty, stability, unity and peace.

Dove Nests Are Simple

As compared to bird species, doves construct a very simple nest. They use different materials like leaves, grasses, and twigs to make their nest. They make their nest on a trees. Their nest is very simple, but it also gives protection to their young ones.

Doves Have a Special Way of Feeding Their Youngsters

Unlike other birds, they have the ability to feed their own child. They secrete nutritional substance named as crop milk. Male and female doves secret this crop milk to feed their youngsters during the early phases of life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Makes Dove Different From Pigeon?

The dove and pigeon family is Columbidae. The one difference between pigeon and dove is that the smaller species are referred to doves. While the other is named as the pigeon which is a large species. Yet, you can use these terms interchangeably.

Are Doves A Symbol Of Peace?

Yes, in reality, doves are symbol of peace. Doves are famous for their peaceful nature. They are symbol of peace. Because of their gentle behavior, religious symbolism, monogamous nature etc. They have a calm nature and white feathers that makes them a symbol of peace.

Do Doves Mate For Life?

Yes, doves mate for life. They are monogamous creatures that form long lasting bonds with their mates. This behavior also shows that they are the symbol of loyalty, love and care.

What Do Doves Eat?

Doves are beautiful birds that eat a variety of foods. It includes seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains etc. They like to eat small seeds and grains. They are included in ground feeders’ birds. 

Can Doves Navigate Long Distances?

Yes, they can navigate long distances. They have excellent abilities to navigate long distances. They can cover long distances to find their way to home. They use the magnetic field of earth, visual landmarks, some positions etc.


Doves are beautiful creatures. They are symbols of love, harmony, loyalty, peace etc. They have a cultural significance and history, when combined with their loyalty etc. It made them unique symbol of peace. Along with their symbolic importance, they are fascinating birds with unique characteristics.

They form monogamous relationships. They have the ability to form long lasting bonds. They are included in the list of birds that you kept in your home as pet.

If you have any query about the content, text me in the comment box I will reply to you soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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