Red Bellied Parrot – Complete Guide


Have you little heard about red bellied parrots? Its name is bit confusing. But, it doesn’t have a red color on their belly. It has different sizes from medium to large. This parrot species is full of energy, love and affection. After knowing its history and need of their care, you will come to know whether it is a good pet bird or not. They live and fed in a group of 4 parrots. They are often named as African Red Bellied Parrots.

Red bellied parrots are the wild parrots. They are native to east African countries like Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya’s Somalia etc. They live in dry bush, woodland, scrub land etc. Due to hunting their number is reducing, but they are not endangered species. Nowadays, red bellied parrots are native to zoos.  Red bellied parrots have given name after a fruit that was native to English countries. Because these countries don’t pronounce this fruit as orange fruit. They considered orange color as red.

In this article, I will tell you: 

  • Characteristics of red bellied parrots
  • Their vocal ability 
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Exercise, pros and cons of adoption
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!


Red bellied parrots have thousands of characteristics. Some of these are:

  • Common names: Orange bellied parrot, African red bellied parrot, Abyssinian red breasted parrot
  • Scientific name: Poicephalus rufiventris
  • Size: 9 inches stall 
  • Weight: 50 ounces 
  • Age: 20 years

Red-bellied Parrot Colors

Red bellied parrots have a lot of colors on their body and feathers. Both red male and female bellied parrots have dark gray beak, gray feet and red irises. Male red bellied parrots are taller than female red bellied parrots. Male red bellied parrots have orange belly, brown shoulders, neck and blue bottom.

But, female red bellied parrots have gray feathers on chest, green and pink feathers on belly. They have dimorphic traits by sex.


Red bellied parrots have a very good temperament. They are very social, charming and active parrot species. A socialized red bellied parrot is quite friendly and enjoy sitting on their owner’s neck or head. They are very smart parrot species, that love to climb. If you force a red bellied parrot, then they will bite you. Through affectioning techniques and exercise you create a bond with red bellied parrot.

Speech and Vocalizations

Speech and Vocalizations

Red bellied parrots don’t have vocal ability. They belong to the Poicephalus genus. As compared to all other kinds of birds in the Poicephalus genus, they are talkative parrots. And they have very good mimicking ability.

Diet and Nutrition

Many parrot owners suggest seed mixes as the food for parrots. But red bellied parrots need a high quality food for best health results. So, their food consists of fruits, vegetables and multigrain, cereal that is sugar free. It is prefer not to serve a seeds alone to the red bellied parrots. Because seeds are high in fats and calories. It will lead to obesity and many other health issues if taken in small quantity.


Red bellied parrots are active and are good climbers. A large horizontal cage is necessary for a safe flight of red bellied parrots to keep them healthy. Swings, ropes and other items that they hang upside down with their feet is popular.


  • Red bellied parrots are very friendly and attractive parrot species. 
  • They are very talkative bird. They learn how to speak and mimic different words and sounds. 
  • They are very playful. They love to play with toys and to play tricks on their owners. 
  • They have different sizes ranging from small to large. Due to which they grab the attention of various parrot owners.


  • Red bellied parrots need a large amount of attention from their owners. If you avoid them, they start biting you.
  • They are the large parrot species that need a huge space for exercise and daily activities. 
  • The diet only consists of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Care of Red-bellied Parrot

Care of Red-bellied Parrot

Due to their nature, red bellied red parrots need a huge space to live. They like to play with toys to entertain. In the wild, they can make friends with other species of red bellied parrot or human beings. They trained, but they need a lot of attention and care. A flight cage is good for a red bellied parrot to live in. It is better for red bellied parrots to fly outside the cage sometimes. To stretch their wings for best health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Health Problems That Poicephalus Parrots Face?

Parrots have many health issues. The most common health issue among red bellied parrots are respiratory issues. It includes aspergillosis, pneumonia, heart diseases, aggressive behavior etc. Clean environment and check up is important to keep red bellied parrot healthy.

Red-bellied Parrot Adoption or Purchase

Red-bellied Parrot Adoption or Purchase

Red bellied parrots are not found in bird stores but you can find them. You can buy red bellied parrots from local breeders. There are many large stores from which you can buy or adopt red bellied parrots. Many rescue groups also offer services of adoption or buying parrot species. As a parrot owner for 8 years, I will tell you some online sources from which you can buy or adopt red bellied parrots.

One of the most reputable sources is avian homes. They offer the youth services on rescuing, purchasing or adopting red bellied parrots. But their cost is high for younger and socialized parrot species. Before buying or adopting any parrot species it is better to check it or seek medical testation. If you see symptoms of sneezing, closed eyes, dull feather colors etc then the parrot is inactive.


Parrots are good choice for the beginners. It is very easy to train red bellied parrots. They are less costly. Loving and caring environment is necessary to creative bond with red bellied parrot. Always serve a balanced diet to red bellied parrots. If any food affects your red bellied parrot, immediately take your parrot to a vet.

If you face any problem, ask me in the coming box, I will reply you soon. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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