How To Stop Birds From Building Nests On Your House? 5 Easy Methods

How To Stop Birds From Building Nests On Your House

Birds making nests appear charming. But when they start making nests on the roof of your house, then it will be a problem. When the birds make nests, it will block gutters, damage paint, roofs etc. They create mess everywhere. As a bird owner, you can use bird netting, bird decoys, etc to stop birds from building nests on your house. While making and protecting their nests, some birds show very rude behavior. If you are facing such an issue, here I will tell you how to prevent your house from birds nesting in detail.

In this article, I will tell you:

  • Common areas for birds to build nests
  • 5 Effective methods to prevent nesting
  • Extra tips to stop birds to make nests
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

Common Areas For Birds To Build Nests

Before the preventive methods, here I will tell you the  common areas where birds prefer to make nests. As these areas provide shelter and food to them. These spots are: 

  • Roof gutters: Birds most make nests in gutters. It will block  drainage systems and cause flooding.
  • Roof eaves and ledges: Birds also like to make their nest on overhangs. As it will provide shelter and cover them from rain.
  • Chimneys: Chimneys provide warmth and shelter to the birds. It will lead to blockages and cause fire hazards.
  • Light fixtures and vents: Most birds make nests in light fixtures and vents . It will block light and cause damage to electrical components.

Effective Methods to Prevent Nesting

Effective Methods to Prevent Nesting

As an owner you should be aware of effective methods to prevent nesting. You can put in place such methods without harming bird species.

Keep Hovering!

Use Bird Netting

Bird netting is the suitable solution of birds nesting near house. It serves as a physical barrier through which birds cannot pass. It becomes difficult for birds to reach the nesting spot.

  • You can fix the netting across open places like gutters, chimneys and under eaves. 
  • Always fix the netting, so that birds cannot pass through it and are unable to make nests.

Bird Decoys

Many bird owners use decoys to stop birds to construct nests. Place decoys like an owl and hawks to keep the small birds away from your house. Birds feel it  risky to make nests in those areas where predators are present.

  • Always place the decoys in visible places like roofs, edges and home entrance points.
  • It is better to move decoy on a regular basis around your house. So, the birds will unable to make nests near or around houses.

Install Sloping Surfaces

Birds make nests on flat surfaces. It is better to install sloping surfaces near the ledges to stop birds from building nests.

  • It is preferable to use sloping covers or steep slopes that make inclines for birds.
  • The slopping surface should make a sharp angle of 45 degree. At this steep slope, birds find it difficult to make nests.

Seal Off Entry Points

Birds usually use chimneys, vents and open entry points to make nests. As an owner, you should seal these spots to avoid birds entrance and stop nesting.

  • It is better to use covers for gutters, vents, chimneys and open spots.
  • Always check walls and roof of your house daily. If you find any open spot, then immediately seal it to stop and avoid bird nesting.

Limit Food Sources

Birds prefer to build nest in those areas, where they have easy access to abundant food. If you limit the birds access to food, you can also stop birds from making nest near your house.

  • Always cover the bin and seal them.
  • Always remove food scraps from garden and outdoor areas.
  • Never feed any bird near home especially in those areas, where they can make nests.

Extra Tips To Stop Birds To Make Nests

Additional Tips To Stop Birds To Make Nests

As an owner of different birds, here I will tell you some extra tips for stopping your bird from making a nest at home.

  • It is better to clean dirt, twigs and leaves from the roof that will attract birds to make nests.
  • You can make a birdhouse away from your home to avoid parrots from making nests on the home’s roof.
  • It is most preferable to apply repellents (non toxic sprays) in areas where parrots make nests.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is It Illegal To Remove Bird Nests From  House?

Is It Illegal To Remove Bird Nests From  House?

It is not illegal to remove birds nest. But during the breeding season, it is illegal to remove bird nests from the house. In this case, birds have given protection  by the law. It is better to check rules and regulations of wildlife before removing birds’ nests.

Can Bird Droppings Damage House?

Yes, birds dropping damage houses. The reason is that the bird droppings are acidic. It damages paint, roof surface and other materials. It is necessary to clean droppings on a daily basis and put in place preventive steps.

What Should I Do If Birds Have Already Started Building A Nest?

If the bird has already started building a nest, then it is better to wait for a time. When the bird leaves the nest and then remove it. When the parrot leaves the nest, it is better to remove it. Apply some preventive measures to avoid future nesting.

Are There Any Eco-Friendly Bird Deterrent Options?

Yes, there are many eco-friendly bird deterrent options. It helps many parrot owners to stop birds from making nests. It includes bird spikes, netting, deflective objects etc, that do not affect and harm birds. It will help owners to focus on deterring birds in spite of causing harm to them.

How Often Should I Check For Potential Bird Nesting Sites?

It is better to check the potential pet nesting site before the breeding season. You can also check it once in a season. Regular maintenance can reduce and stop birds from making nests in and outside the home.

How To Keep Birds From Nesting On Your Porch?

To keep birds from nesting, remove bird’s existing nests. Always clean area thoroughly. Use deterrents like reflective objects, chimes, or fake predators like owls. Fix bird spikes and netting on ledges. It also prevent them from settling. 

How To Keep Birds From Nesting Under Roof?

To prevent birds from nesting, seal gaps or holes. Use wire mesh to block entry points. Install bird netting and deterrents like spikes and reflective tape in areas where birds gather. Ultrasonic bird repellents can also keep them away. 


Birds are intelligent creatures. They always prefer the best place to make their nests. By the above mentioned steps, you can stop birds from making a nest at the house. It will keep your home safe from potential damages. But also provides safety to the birds to make nests in  suitable places. By using tools and preventive measures you can form friendly environment with birds. It keeps your home and wildlife safe.

If you have any query about the content, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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