How To Attract Goldfinches? Catchy Ways To Attract Goldfinches

How To Attract Goldfinches

Goldfinches are mostly attracted by provision of small seeds, water sources, a safe and clean environment, moving water sound, a clean yard etc. Planting various native plants, flowers and shrubs also attracts goldfinches. They are shy species that require little time to adjust in the new environment. Creating a goldfinch-friendly garden is a good method for attracting them. It will enhance the beauty of the bird view from your garden. Attracting this catchy bird requires varieties of seeds, water sources etc. 

In this article, I will tell you:

  • Provision of food to goldfinches,
  • Provision of drinking and bathing facilities,
  • Planting flowers and shrubs for goldfinches,
  • Role of patience and consistency in attracting goldfinches

Let’s start without wasting time!

Introduction to Goldfinches

Goldfinches are known by different names like wild canaries, small songbirds, American gold wings etc. They are mainly found in North America. They lie in the category of herbivores and they mostly rely on different types of seeds for their food throughout the year.  The caretaker must know the preference of goldfinches for the provision of food according to their taste.

  • Diet: Main diet of goldfinches consist of small seeds. They love to eat the seeds of sunflowers, thistles etc. They are also famous for eating seeds of different plants like cosmos, dandelions, zinnias etc.
  • Habitat: Goldfinches mostly like to live in gardens fields and meadows that provide them plenty of food.
  • Nesting Habits: Their nesting season starts at the end of summer. They prefer different shrubs and trees for making their nests.
  • Migration: Goldfinches migrate towards the South usually with the start of winter. While some species of goldfinches preferred to stay at their home. It depends upon the climate of the surroundings.

Provision of Food To Attract Goldfinches

Provision of Food To Attract Goldfinches

Provision of food is the best way to attract goldfinches. As goldfinches are seed eaters, they like to boost their energy by eating those seeds that are rich in energy and oil.

Types of Seeds

Types of Seeds

Different types of seeds are included in the preference of gold fringes

  • Nyjer (Thistle) Seed: Seeds are the top preference of the goldfinches. These seeds are available in different colors and sizes. They are rich in oils that provide them different nutrients. They can’t resist seeds, but they are a good way to attract goldfinches.
  • Sunflower Seed: Goldfinches like to eat sunflower seeds. They prefer black oil and striped seeds to eat. Black oil seeds are rich in oil content makes a healthy diet for them.
  • Natural Seed Sources: Seeds from various plants are also included in their food source that they like to eat along with their heads.

Tips for Serving Seeds to Goldfinches

  • Use a Nyjer Feeder: It is better to use a nyjer feeder for goldfinches. Nyjer seeds are light, small and easily dispensed. It requires less time and keeps the seeds dry.
  • Avoid Mixed Seed Blends: Never use a mixed blender, as it contains filler seeds that goldfinches don’t like. Always prefer nyjer and sunflower seeds to use in feeders.
  • Replace Seed Regularly: In humid weather, seeds quickly spoil away. So, make sure to replace nyjer seeds every week to keep them fresh.

Drinking and Bathing Facilities

Similar to food, drinking and bathing facilities are also included in the ways to attract goldfinches. Goldfinches like different water sources not only for drinking purposes, but also for bathing. Bathing is important for keeping feathers and body of goldfinches clean and for maintaining their body temperature.

Goldfinch-Friendly Water Source

  • Birdbaths: Shallow water is most preferred by goldfinches for bathing. The bath tab of goldfinches should have a depth of no more than 1 inch.
  • Moving Water: The sound of moving water attracts all birds, especially goldfinches. You can place a small fountain or mister near the water source to make it more appealing for goldfinches.
  • Place Near Shelter: For the safe survival of goldfinches, it is better to fit a bathtub near different trees, where goldfinches can easily reach.

Planting  Flowers and Shrubs

Goldfinches are mostly found in different landscapes, where they rely on different flowers and shrubs for their food. Seeds of native flowers and shrubs provide them with a huge food supply. If you plant these flowers in your garden, it will also attract goldfinches.

Recommended Plants for Goldfinches

Recommended Plants for Goldfinches
  • Coneflowers and Black-Eyed Susans: Perennials of coneflowers and black-eyed susans are a good source for the provision of seed heads to the goldfinches.
  • Milkweed and Goldenrod: Milkweed and goldenrod are mostly eaten plants by various birds as well as insects. They provide a huge amount of seeds to the goldfinches.
  • Dandelions: Dandelions are included in weed, but they provide a good amount of seeds to the goldfinches.

Providing Shelter To Attract Goldfinches

Shelter is very important for goldfinches like other birds. The shelter serves as a safe space to sit other than out of the nest. They avoid using birdhouses. They always prefer shrubs, trees etc for their shelter.

Shelter Ideas

  • Small Trees and Shrubs: It is better to plant different trees, bushes, and shrubs to provide a safe perch for goldfinches to take rest and to protect them from predators.
  • Avoid Birdhouses: Birdhouses are not a good choice for the goldfinches. They always prefer to build nests for natural vegetation.
  • Leave Some Weeds: It is better to leave some thistle, milkweed etc to provide some nesting material for the goldfinches.

Provision of a Clean and Safe Area

As you know birds are sensitive species. Goldfinches are also a sensitive birds that require safe, pure and clean environment to survive and to stay healthy.

Safety Tips

  • Avoid Pesticides: Never use any chemical or pesticide near the goldfinches’ yard. It is better to opt towards natural methods to attract goldfinches.
  • Clean Feeders and Birdbaths: As a caretaker, you should clean the feeders and bathtubs regularly or after 2 days to keep your bird healthy and save it from different diseases. You can use a mild bleach solution for the cleanliness.
  • Protect Against Predators: You can place different bathtubs and feeders near different bushes to protect your goldfinches from different predators.

Patience and Consistency For Attracting Goldfinches

As goldfinches are sensitive birds, they require little time to attract the visitors, as well as with the caretaker. It requires patience. By following the given tips, you can easily create a friendly yard or garden for your goldfinches. 

  • Stay Consistent with Feeding: If you provide a liable food source to the goldfinches, they always keep returning
  • Observe Their Behavior: Goldfinches feel hesitant in a new environment. So, it is better to observe their behavior for the provision of a safe environment.


You can create a goldfinch-friendly yard to attract them and bring nature to your surroundings. You should provide high quality and high nutrient-based seeds to goldfinches. Provision of water sources, water baths and a clean environment is a good way to attract goldfinches. It will provide you with a cheerful view. With persistence, consistency and patience you can easily attract goldfinches to yourself and to your yard.

If you have any problem while reading the article, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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