Cockatiels are the beautiful parrot species. They are famous for its affectionate and calming nature. Their fun with their owner attracts all parrot lovers. The physical characteristics include crest on head and orange marking on cheeks. They are native to Australia. They are habitants of the coastal areas and urban areas. Cocktails are the small breeds that are also found in Tasmania, Savannas etc. They are covering the huge area of 7,850,000 km square.
Cocktails are bless with various physical traits. Their bodies are cover with colorful feathers. Crest covers the above part of cocktails head and is of yellow color. Cockatiels have orange red spots on their cheeks. The edges of wings are cover with white feathers. Male cockatiel species have yellow masks. While females have stripes of yellow marking under their tail and wings. Varieties of cockatiels include Albino, Lutino, Perlèe etc.
In this article I will tell you:
- Characteristics of cockatiels
- Fun facts about cockatiels
- Can a cockatiel survive in the wild?
- Factors enhancing cockatiels lifespan
- Behavior of cockatiel parakeet
- Frequently asked questions
Let’s start without wasting time!
Characteristics of Cockatiels
- Scientific name: Nymphicus hollandicus
- Order: Psittaciformes
- Class: Aves
- Family: Cacatuidae
- Lifespan: 22 years
- Minimum life expectancy: 13 years
- Maximum life expectancy: 30 years
- Length: 32cm
- Weight: 85g to 110g
Fun Facts
As a cockatiel caretaker, here I will tell you fun facts about the longevity of cockatiels.
- Cockatiels have medium lifespan.
- If they are treated well, then they will live a long life.
- Proper diet, exercise, regular check ups are important in enhancing their longevity.
- Pet cockatiels have longer life span as compared to the wild cockatiels.
- Peaceful environment is important for cockatiels to reduce stress and live happy life.
Can a Cockatiel Survive In Wild?
Yes, cockatiels survive in the wild. But, they face a lot of challenges that affect their longevity. Habitat loss, threats, illegal killing etc are factors that affect lifespan of them. They are also facing the problem of food shortage, lack of clean water pollution etc. It reduces their lifespan by about 15 years.
How Long Do Cockatiel Birds Live In Captivity?
In the wild, cockatiels face a lot of challenges. The domestic life of cockatiels has advantages that leads to longevity of their life. They are save from predators hunting and environmental threats. They have access to a clean balanced diet and medical facilities. It promote long lasting life. These factors enhance life ranging from 10 to 36 years. But, the life span varies across all cockatiel species.
Factors Increasing Cockatiel Lifespan
Enhancing lifespan of cockatiels includes several factors. It includes socialization, diet, food, exercise, healthcare etc. A balanced amount of all these factors will enable your cockatiels to live a healthy and long life. As a cockatiel owner for 8 years, here I will tell you about some of these factors in detail.
Food and Diet
Food and diet plays an important role. A balanced diet should consist of 60% pellets and 40% fruits, vegetable nuts etc. It provides essential nutrients. A diet that is low in fats and high in nutrients like bird seed is essential for good health. In the wild, cockatiels rely on seasonal fruits, berries, grass and seeds for their diet.
As a cockatiel owner, you should check the food daily. It ensures that their nutrient need is fulfilled. If your cockatiel diet consists only of seeds, then, it leads to obesity, weight gaining etc. It also causes calcium deficiency in cockatiels.
Exercise is very important to keep your bird healthy, wealthy and survive a long life. As you know, cockatiels are very social. That’s why they need daily exercise, interaction and time to spend with their owner. They required mental stimulation.
You should spend at least three hours daily with your cutie pie to fulfill its social needs. You can also engage your cockatiel in playing with toys and engaging exercises. But, you should do all these things in day time.
As an owner, you should take care of the health of your cutie pie. Regular checks on your bird and regular basis checkups will improve the health of your bird. You can detect the disease in your bird at the start. It is helpful in identifying that disease before it becomes serious.
It consists of respiratory issues, aging issues, nutrition deficiency etc. Vaccinations and medicines are important in preventing cockatiels from all serious health issues.
Behavior of Cockatiel Parakeet
Generally speaking, cockatiels are very social parrot species. They have the ability to repeat words, sing, pronounce words etc. You can train cockatiels. They have the natural ability to create bonds with many people at a time. They are very social, so, they can develop strong relationships with their owner.
Generally, female cocktails are prefer to be pet birds. Male cockatiels are not usually petted. They have many many qualities. But, they are very noisy parrot species. That’s why it is unsuitable for those who live in society’s or apartments.
Ability to Speak
Male and female both have the ability to speak. But, male cockatiels have more ability to whisper and pronounce melodious voices. But, female cockatiels are less talkative as compared to males. Cocktails are more curious about their life.
Living Conditions
Cockatiels need an airy and spacious cage. Normal dimension for cockatiel cage is 50 cm length, 50 cm width and 150 cm height. In this dimension, the cockatiel moves up and down and does many activities. Make sure a horizontal bars cage for cockatiels. They are very active birds that need at least one hour daily for flying and exercise as well. Playing areas are important for cockatiels’ health and longevity.
Cage Accessories
If you want to create a strong bond with your cutie pie, it is better to allow them cage accessories. You can place various toys, twigs, ladders in a cockatiel cage. Cocktails like those things that pass under its beak.
Best Place For Cockatiel Cage to Put
As a cockatiel owner, you should know about the best place to put your feathery friends cage. It is prefer to place the cage anywhere in your house. You should avoid placing the cage in indirect sunlight, too hot and cold temperatures.
The natural need of light for Cockatiels is 9 to 12 hours. Also they will need a sleep of 12 hours with naps. Proper light and night sleep ensures good health to both male and female cockatiels. As a caretaker, you can place lamp at night time in cockatiels cage.
Reproduction of Cockatiel
Cockatiels lay 7 eggs. They start hatching their eggs from the 18th day. It is a common practice that male brood at day while female cockatiels broods during night. Rainy season is best for the cocktails to breed. The brooding period varies from 17 to 23 days and relies on temperature.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How Long Do Cockatiel Birds Live Without Food?
Cockatiels can live without food for about 48 hours. It depends on their health, body conditions and environment. However, if parrot is going without food for a long time, it leads to weakness and organ damage. It is important that they have a consistent supply of food and fresh water.
How Long Do Cockatiel Birds Live Indoors?
Cockatiels kept indoors can live 15 to 25 years on average. But, it needs safe, healthy environment with proper care. However, with more care, some cockatiels reach 30 years of life. It needs a well-balanced diet and regular check-ups. Proper social interaction contribute to their longevity.
The average lifespan of Cockatiels are 16 to 22 years. Few cockatiels have a lifespan of 32 years. It requires a lot of care, proper diet and peaceful environment to grow up and reach that age. Longevity of life not only depends upon a balanced diet. But it also depends on social bonding, meeting and veterinary care. Cockatiel owners should have the knowledge about all these elements.
If you have any worries, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. Thanks for reading!
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I’m Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I’ve been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I’m not a bird doctor, I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them.
My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I’ve dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center.
My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let’s embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends’ lives as joyful and healthy as possible!