Do Parrots Sleep With Their Eyes Open? Parrots Sleep Habits

Do parrots sleep with their eyes open

This question puzzled many parrot owners, do parrots sleep with their eyes open?  Answer is very surprising. Yes, parrots sleep with their eyes open. It is a most common habit among the wild parrots to keep their eyes open while sleeping. It plays an important role in their safe survival. By knowing behavior of parrots, owners can provide a better sleeping environment. There are a lot of factors that influence their unihemispheric slow waves sleep. Later, I will discuss in detail.

In this article, I will tell you:

  • Parrot sleep: A basic overview
  • Why do parrots sleep with one eye open?
  • Unihemispheric slow wave sleep: A deeper look
  • Factors influencing parrot sleep with their eyes open
  • Signs of a relaxed, resting parrot
  • Should you concerned if parrot sleep with one eye open? 
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

Parrot Sleep: A Basic Overview

Parrot Sleep: A Basic Overview

Parrots are diurnal species that active during day time and take rest at night. Like other birds and human beings, they need a proper rest time to maintain body’s energy. They need daily sleep of 10 to 12 hours. Wild parrots like to choose high places for their sleep. They show a very unique behavior by keep their one eye open while sleeping. It is due to stress or risk of predation that they open their one eye.

Can Parrots Sleep with Their Eyes Open?

Yes, parrots can sleep with their eyes open. They open their both eyes while sleeping. But, this is not straightforward behavior. Like other birds, parrots have unihemispheric slow wave sleep ability. USWS allows one half of a parrot’s brain to keep alert and keep awake while the other half to take rest. The open eye response to the active half of the brain. It allows the parrot to be aware of the surroundings while taking rest.

Why Do Parrots Sleep with One Eye Open?

The most important reason of opening of one eye of parrots during sleep is their safety and survival. In wildlife, parrots have the risk of predation. Keeping eye open during sleep, they will become vigilant against enemies during rest. This adaptation has several advantages for parrots in dangerous environments. It helps them to stay alert for potential threats while sleeping.

For example: If a parrot keeps resting on a tree and keeps one eye open. Its brain is alert to detect the predators and to immediately react, if any danger appears.

Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleep: A Deeper Look

Unihemispheric slow wave sleep is a mechanism for parrot’s survival. When a parrot is engaged in USWS, one half of the brain experience sleep, while the other half of the brain is alert. It means that parrots sleep by keeping eye on the environment for detection of danger. It includes different styles of sleep which I have mentioned below:

  • Opening of one eye that links to the active part of the brain.
  • Close eye of the parrot links to the resting part of the brain.

It is a very good mechanism. It protects parrot species from their predators. It is an important skill for wild parrot species to live. Even pet parrots show this behavior, if they detect any predator around them.

Keep Hovering! 

Factors Influencing Parrots Sleep with Their Eyes Open

Factors Influencing Parrots Sleep with Their Eyes Open

All parrots do not have the ability to sleep by keeping one eye open. As a parrot owner for 8 years, here I will tell you the factors influencing parrots sleep with their eyes open.

Perceived Threat Level

If parrots feel unsafe in the environment, then they have a unihemispheric sleep. For example: if a parrot lives in a noisy or new environment, then it keeps one eye open to prevent it from any danger.

Environmental Stressors

There are many environmental stressors. It influences parrots’ ability to sleep with one eye open. Loud music, frequent sudden movements or new environment, trigger parrots to stay alert. If your parrot feels stress, then it also prefers to keep one eye open during sleep.

Security of the Environment

When parrot feels secure and relax in a familiar cage or near the owner, then it close their eyes while sleeping. It shows that your cutie pie is comfortable. It enters into a good sleeping state, as its both parts of brain are taking rest.

Signs of a Relaxed, Resting Parrot

If a parrot feels safe, then it exhibits behavior. It shows they feel relax while sleeping by keeping one or both eyes closed. These signs include:

  • Both eyes closed: If a parrot sleep and its both eyes are closed, it is a sign of comfort. It shows that your parrot has a comfortable and deep sleep .
  • Head tucked under the wing: If a parrot sleep by tucking their head, it is comfortable and have a good sleep.
  • Balanced on one leg: If a parrot sleep on one leg by tucking its other leg up, it indicates that it feels relax.

Should You Concerned If Your Parrot Sleeps with One Eye Open?

If parrot sometimes open its one eye while sleeping, then it is none of concern. It is a natural behavior and evolutionary trait of parrot species. But, if a parrot sleeps by keeping eyes open, it means that it feels unsafe. Then, it is a point of concern.

If change appears in environment like loud sounds, then it leads to disturbance in parrot. It is necessary to provide peaceful and calm environment to the parrots. It will help them to feel secure and provide comfort, while sleeping by keeping both eyes close.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Birds Close Their Eyes When They Sleep?

Yes, birds close their eyes when they sleep. But they have ability to sleep with one eye open. It is due to unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS). It allows one half of brain to take rest while the other to stay alert for threats.

How Long Do Parrots Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

The duration of parrot’s sleeping with one eye open is different for different species. It also depends on their safety. Wild parrots can keep their one eye open for longer time to protect themselves from predators. In captivity, they sleep with both eyes closed for 10 to 12 hours  every night.


Unihemispheric slow wave sleep is a very impressive and good mechanism for parrots. Especially for wild parrots to get aware of the danger. It is an evolutionary trait of wild parrots which they adopt while sleeping. Wild parrots are more engaged in this behavior as compared to pet parrots. 

Pet parrots can also sleep by keeping one eye open, if they feel stressed. By providing a quiet environment to parrots, you can also make them feel safe by closing both eyes to enjoy a sleep.

If you have any difficulty, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. Thanks for reading! 

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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