Yes, parakeets and cockatiels get along. Parakeets are also named as budgies. So, don’t confused by its name. Cocktails are the social birds. Parakeets are lovely birds and want to live with different birds. There are about 115 species of cockatiels found in the world. They gradually start interacting with cockatiels. They interact with one cockatiel at a time. If they don’t gradually interact with cockatiels, sometimes, dissatisfaction occurs among them and they show rude behavior.
Cockatiels and parakeets have the ability to live in the same cage. Actually, parakeets are the relatives of cockatiels. Cockatiels easily adjust with parakeets. If you feel any change in the behavior of both birds, after keeping them together, it is better to keep them in different cages for a short period of time. Few precautions are necessary before keeping both birds together.
Is this article, I will tell you:
- How to keep cockatiels and parakeets together in detail and
- Friendly asked questions.
Let’s start without wasting time!
Fun Facts
As a cockatiel owner, here, I will tell you unique fun facts on cockatiels and parakeets.
- Both cockatiels and parakeets have different crests.
- Parakeets have more vibrant colors as compared to the cockatiels.
- Cockatiels have more vocal abilities. On the other hand, parakeets have less vocability
- Parakeets and cockatiels both are native to Australia.
How to Keep Cockatiels and Parakeets Together?
As a cockatiel owner, you should know various methods to keep both cockatiels and parakeets together. Here, I will tell you how to keep both birds together.
Place New Bird in Quarantine
As an owner, if you introduce a new bird, then it is better to keep this bird in quarantine for a small period of time to make sure that the bird is not suffering from any serious health issues and is healthy.
In the first four weeks, it is better to keep the new bird in a separate cage. You should place that cage near your pet bird’s cage. In this way, they get familiarized with each other and create a bond. After that time period, you can place both birds in the same cage to have physical contact with each other.
Make Physical Contact
When Cockatiels and Parakeets feel comfortable with each other, then you should allow them for physical contact. You should place both birds in a big cage. You should open the cage, when your birds have their first physical interaction. You can decorate the interior of the cage to make both birds happy and comfortable.
Puffing of wings is totally normal behavior of cockatiels and parakeets. It can be overcome when they create a hierarchy. If you see that your birds fight with each other, then it is better to keep them in separate cages and try physical interaction again after a few months.
Make Sure Having Enough Space for Cage
When you want to attract more than two birds, then it is better to have a big cage. The cage should be large and have enough space, so that every bird easily isolates itself. Large cage enables birds to fly easily in it and reach every corner without any hurdle or injury. They can easily sit on their perches.
If birds feel threatened by each other, then it is better to keep them in different cages for a short time, until they become relaxed. Different cages also require space. Through keeping the bird in different cages, it will become relaxed and happy. As an owner, you should check each and every requirement of your birds.
Take Care Of Diet Of Both Birds
As an owner, it is your first most responsibility to take care of the dietary requirements of both cockatiels and parakeets. Every parrot species has its own food requirements and taste. Usually parakeets like seeds in their food.
On the other hand, cockatiels love to eat seeds with other food items. But, sunflower seeds should be avoided to cockatiels as well as parakeets because it causes sickness in them, even if eaten in a small quantity. Spices, oil and salt should be avoided in food of parakeets and cockatiels. It is unhealthy for them.
Monitor Birds’ Behavior
Cockatiels and Parakeets are small parrot species having a very vast intelligence level. It depends upon the personality and behavior of both birds. Parakeets are shy parrots. On the other hand, cockatiels are social parrots. Parakeets show less aggression as compared to cockatiels. As a cockatiel owner, you should monitor the behavior of both birds because it improves their well being.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Birds Can Be Lived With Cockatiels?
Social nature of cockatiels demands that they should live with other birds. As a cockatiel owner, it is preferred to select a bird that is suitable for it. Generally Budgies and Lovebirds are considered as the good friends of cockatiels. The reason is that they are similar in weight, size and temperament to cockatiels.
Some other birds include Parakeets, Gray cheeked parakeets and Lorikeets. If you want a new companion for your cutie pie, then it is better to gradually introduce it, else your cockatiel shows aggressive behavior.
What Birds Can Parakeets Keep With?
Parakeets feel comfortable with many other birds. They love to make friendship relations with various parrot species. These birds include canaries, cockatoos, lovebirds, macaws, cockatiels, doves etc. Avian parrot species are also considered as good companions for parakeets.
As an owner, if you want to introduce a new bird, first of all, it is better to monitor the behavior of both birds, then gradually introduce them to each other. Avoid keeping both birds in 1 cage without a proper introduction and interaction.
Will a Cockatiel Hurt a Budgie/Parakeet?
No, a Cockatiel will not hurt a Budgie. Cockatiel and Budgie can easily live with each other having a vast space. As an owner, you should have enough resources to fulfill all the requirements of both birds. If the cockatiel sees any fear from Budgie, then it starts showing aggressive behavior and biting.
If a cockatiel shows aggressive behavior, then it is better to check the level of interaction between two birds. If aggressive behavior continues, then it will lead to fighting and cause injuries.
Do Cockatiels or Parakeets Talk Better Among Parrot Species?
Cockatiels talk better as compared to Parakeets. Each parrot species has its own qualities and characteristics. Cockatiels are more social, friendly and loving as compared to Parakeets. Due to these qualities, many owners like to adopt cockatiels as the pet bird.
Cockatiels only mimic words. But both birds have the ability to learn various words, phrases etc. Cockatiels have the ability to learn about 90 words. Training cockatiels is much easier than any other parrot or bird species.
Final Words
It is a good decision to keep cockatiels and parakeets with each other. But, if your cockatiel is dominant over parakeets, then many issues and conflicts arise. To avoid any issue, it is better to keep both birds in separate cages, until they come close to each other. As an owner, you should be prepared for any misbehave from your bird. While keeping both birds together, it is better to ensure their mental well being. Cohabitation problems occur minerly.
If you have any queries text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon.
Thanks for reading!
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I’m Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I’ve been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I’m not a bird doctor, I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them.
My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I’ve dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center.
My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let’s embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends’ lives as joyful and healthy as possible!