Do Birds Remember Us? Hidden Truth

Do Birds Remember Us

Yes, birds remember us. They are remarkable creatures having a very vast memory. They are intelligent species. Birds including parrots, crows, pigeons, ravens and magpies have excellent memories. They always remember human beings, their voice, faces, habits etc. 

Although birds have sharp memories to remember human beings. At the same time, they forget people and things, if they are not exposed to them for a long period of time. If they have developed emotional bonds, then they never ever forget human beings. After reading this article, you will convinced that birds never forget us.

In this article, I will tell you: 

  • Ability of bird’s memory
  • Brain of avian birds
  • Kinds of memory in birds
  • Can wild birds forget human beings?
  • Can pet birds forget human beings?
  • Role of bird’s visual and auditory senses in remembering human beings
  • Short and long term memory loss of birds
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

Ability Of Bird’s Memory

Ability Of Bird’s Memory

Birds have excellent cognitive abilities that play an important role in their lives. Their brain size and structure is different from mammals. Yet they have problem solving skills. They have a good capacity for memorizing different things.

Brain of Avian Birds

As a bird owner here, I will tell you the structure and role of avian birds.

  • The structure of avian birds is different from mammalian birds. But they have the same part like the hippocampus that handles processing memory.
  • Birds that hide food for the winter season have large hippocampus than mammalian. The large size of the hippocampus handles memorizing birds about where they hid food.

Kinds of Memory in Birds

There are different kinds of birds and these birds have different kinds of memories that I will tell you:

  • Episodic memory: Some birds have the ability to remember particular movement events. Like the food they see at some place or interaction with a particular person etc. Such birds’ memory is known as episodic memory.
  • Associative memory: Birds having social nature. They can have the ability to remember various individuals, particular behavior etc. Such birds’ memory is known as associated memory.

Can Wild Birds Forget Humans?

No, wild birds cannot forget human beings. Evidence shows that wild birds always remember human beings. Birds included in the corvid family are known for memory and skills for problem solving.

  • Crows: Crows have the ability to remember human beings for many years. An experiment was held in the University of Washington. In which researchers wore human masks and tagged crows to examine their memory. When an experiment is held after a few years the same crows remember them.
  • Magpies and Ravens: Magpies and ravens have excellent memories like crows. They remember their owners who fed them. They always remember the interaction with the individual who scared them.

Pigeons’ Excellent Recognition

Pigeons that are native to urban environments have the ability to remember humans. Many studies show that they remember those people who fed them. They also distinguish different strangers. You notice that those pigeons who live in flock have special ability to remember things.

Can Pet Birds Forget Human Beings?

No, pet birds cannot forget human beings. They have more memorizing abilities as compared to wild parrots. Pet birds including parrots, canaries, cockatiels, pigeons etc have more emotions. They form strong bond with their owner. These birds are famous for their cognitive abilities and intelligence. They always remember their interaction with human beings.

Parrot Memory

Like pigeons, crows, ravens, parrots etc have good memories. Large parrots have more cognitive abilities and excellent memories.

  • These birds have the ability to remember human voices, faces etc. They also remember their routine. These birds remember human routine even after a long time of separation.
  • Parrots are capable of remembering human speech. It is a kind of memory retention. Some parrots have the ability to repeat and remember words that their owner taught to them.

Birds Emotional Attachment

Unlike wild birds, pet birds are social creatures. They develop strong and deep emotional relationships with their owners. Their attachment is based on care, attention and interaction provided to them. Birds show a positive response after meeting their owner even after a long period of time.

Role Of Birds Visual And Auditory Senses In Remembering Human Beings

Role Of Birds Visual And Auditory Senses In Remembering Human Beings

Mammalians depends on facial recognition to recall other species. Pet birds use visual and auditory senses to remember humans that I will discussed below:

Role of Visual Senses

The role of visual senses of birds in recalling human being are mentioned below:

  • Birds have good vision. There vision help them in remembering different shapes, sizes, movement patterns etc. By focusing on human beings’ facial features, they remember them.
  • Clothing plays a significant role in birds recognition. Pet birds always remember persons wearing bright colored dresses. Because bright color attract them. They also remember the person carrying food for them.

Role of Auditory Senses

The role of auditory senses of birds in remembering human beings are:

  • Birds and many vocal species have the ability to attract sounds and remember it. Birds remember individuals’ voice, speech, tones etc even after a long period of time.
  • Many pet birds have the ability to remember their owners through their voice. Many pet birds differentiate their owner between people on the basis of their voice. Birds never forget foot steps and speech of human.

Short-Term Memory Loss

If birds are unexposed to the person or thing for a long period of time, then it may lose short term memory. Because their interaction was not significant. When wild parrots have fleeting interaction with pet birds, then they forget them.

Long-Term Memory Loss 

Birds don’t have long term memory loss. Birds that develop strong bonds with their owner can keep long term memories. Birds having strong bond recognize the habits of their owner after many years. The strength of bond is important for bird in remembering person. Not only remembering human beings, but they use memories for their survival.

  • Food caching: Many birds hide their food for the winter season and return to it after few months. Their long term memory helps them in remembering the location, where they hide the food.
  • Social interaction: Vast memory helps birds in remembering their ex-mates and social hierarchy. It shows their capacity for social memory.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do Birds Remember Their Owners?

Yes birds can remember their owners. Parrots, crows, ravens, and pigeons have strong memory. They form emotional bonds with humans. They remember faces, voices and behavior of their owners. Some birds miss their owners when they’re gone. They also show sign of affection to them.

Do Birds Know When You Help Them?

Yes, bird know when you help them. Birds can recognize acts of kindness. Crows and ravens have been observed bringing small gifts to humans who feed them regularly. Wild birds also develop trust toward a person who provides food or rescues to them.

Do Birds Remember Faces?

Yes, birds remember faces. Many bird species like crows, ravens and magpies, have scientifically proven to remember human faces. Crows could recognize and react to researchers who captured them. It shows trust or hostility depending on past experiences. This ability helps them distinguish between friend and foe in environment.


Birds are more intelligent as compared to other mammalians and human beings. Their memory enables them to play a significant role in their social interactions. Wild birds form a recognizing bond with their owners. They remember auditory signals, visual cues and attachments that they form with owner. They have an impressive memory. So, when you start feeding a crow or another bird, they will always remember, what you feed them. 

If you have any queries, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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