Can Parrots Eat Banana? Do They Enjoy Bananas?


Parrots eat fruits, then what about bananas? The simple answer is Yes. Parrots can eat bananas. It is healthier for parrots. Its delicious taste attracts parrots. It is easy to digest. You can add bananas to a parrot’s diet as a treat or as a regular diet.

Bananas are different in size, shape and color. But, one common feature is that it is a little curved with a soft flesh covered by soft peel. It is very important from a nutritious point of view. One banana contains 89 calories.

In this article, I will explain: 

  • How to serve bananas to parrots? 
  • How often can parrots eat bananas? 
  • Tips for feeding bananas to parrots
  • Can lovebirds eat bananas?
  • Can parrots eat plantains?
  • Merits of eating bananas 
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

Can Parrots Like to Eat Bananas?

Yes, parrots like to eat bananas. The main reason is that its delicious taste attracts parrots and they can digest them. It has a lot of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibers and calories. It improves parrots health. Wild parrots do not like bananas. Parrots like raw bananas more. Parrots love to eat what their owner eats and serve to them.

How Can You Serve Bananas to Parrots?

How Can You Serve Bananas to Parrots?

Parrots want to eat that food which not only maintains energy but also increases the level of energy. Banana is a perfect food for parrots with all necessary vitamins, calcium, fiber etc. As a pet owner for 8 years, you must know methods for serving bananas to parrots.

You can serve both raw and cooked bananas to parrots. You can also serve banana bread, bread chips and banana juice to parrots.

Tips for Feeding Bananas to Parrots 

Serving food is the best way to attract your parrot. As a pet owner, few tips are as follows: 

  • Your first priority is to serve only raw  bananas to parrots.
  • Cut the banana into pieces or serve as a whole.
  • You can mix bananas with other fruits and serve them to parrots.
  • Banana skin is also served to parrots. 
  • You can serve boiled peels to parrots.

How Often Can Parrots Eat Bananas? 

As a pet owner, you must know the quantity of banana that  you serve to parrots. Anything which you feed to parrots in moderation will give your bird the best health results. You can serve bananas to parrots only thrice in a month. You can serve bananas to parrots by mixing it with other fruits and vegetables.

Its taste attracts pat parrots as well as wild parrots. It is a delicious diet for parrots. Feel free while serving bananas to parrots.

Advantages of Eating Banana for Parrots 

Bananas are the most important fruit for parrots. It has a lot of nutritional value. It is best to serve bananas to parrots. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Some of them are: 

Vitamin A

Bananas are an important source of vitamin A . It contains 1% vitamin A. Bananas are important for parrots’ health. Deficiency of vitamin A is common in parrots as compared to other birds. It helps parrot to:

  • Boost immunity
  • Feather development
  • Night vision
  • Cell growth
  • Eye health

Strong Bones

Bananas contain 32 mg of magnesium. It is necessary for parrots’ healthy bones and beaks. Its deficiency will lead to problems like wing abnormalities, slow growth of parrots. Sometimes, it leads to sudden death.

Vitamin B6

It is an important vitamin which a parrot’s body can not produce. Banana contains a 0.4 mg of Vitamin B6. It is a water soluble vitamin which handles several body functions. These body functions are as follows:

  • Metabolism
  • Neurotransmitters 
  • Formation of red blood cells
  • Energy booster
  • Cardiovascular functions


A medium sized banana contains 3.1 grams of fiber. The most important function of fiber is to regulate the digestive system. Banana should fed to parrots. Because they contain fiber which strong the parrots digestive system.

Fiber is helpful to increases the absorption of nutrients. Bananas contain soluble fibers that lowers the cholesterol in parrots body. Bananas also results in low diabetes. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is not produced by the parrots body. It is necessary for parrots because it helps the parrots body function to work. Bananas contain 8.7 mg of vitamin C. As a pet owner, you must know the importance of vitamin C in the parrot’s body. Here is a little bit about different functions of vitamin C such as:

  • Wound healing
  • Radical removal
  • Collagen production
  • Iron absorption

Disadvantages of Eating Banana for Parrots 

Bananas are full of nutrients. It is safe for parrots. If bananas are served in excess, it can cause severe problems to parrots. Here I will discuss some of them:

  • High in carbohydrates
  • Digestive issues
  • Rich in calories
  • Itching 
  • Stomach problems
  • Allergic reactions
  • Hyperkalemia 

Can Lovebirds Eat Bananas?

Can Lovebirds Eat Bananas?

Yes, lovebirds can eat bananas. It is a healthy diet for them. Here, are the names of lovebirds which loves to eat bananas. Lovebirds like to eat banana peels. It is the best way to provide vitamins and minerals to lovebirds. Small pieces of bananas are best for parrots.

  • African Gray Parrots
  • Parakeet
  • Cockatoos
  • Cockatiel

Can Parrots Eat Plantains?

Plantain is a banana, having different tastes. It is native to South Asia. but, it is produced around the world. It is completely safe for parrots. It is safer than bananas. Plantains have a large amount of nutrients needed for parrots.

You should serve plantains in raw form. When your parrot is ill, you can serve plantains to parrots, they can digest them.

List of Fruits Healthy for Parrots

Fruit is vital for parrots. For a good and balanced diet, you should serve fruits to parrots which are full of all nutrients. Parrots eat fruits, which are low in calories, sugar and flour and full of energy. You will serve only 15 to 30% of fruits to your parrots.

I will tell you some other fruits excluding bananas which you can serve to your parrots.

  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Pineapple
  • Peach
  • Orange 
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Strawberry 
  • Banana
  • Pear 
  • Papaya
  • Fig
  • Coconut  
  • Dates
  • Lychee 

List of Fruits Toxic for Parrots

Fruits are of vital importance for parrots. But, all fruits are not safe for parrots. You can’t serve all fruits to parrots. As a pet owner, I will tell you which fruits are not safe for parrots. Some of them are: 

  • Peach pit
  • Avocado
  • Apple seeds
  • Pear seeds
  • Apricot pits
  • Cherries pits
  • Raw rhubarb
  • Plums 
  • Nectarine seed

Parrots’ digestive system is more sensitive than humans. Pits and seeds contain oxalic acid which is harmful for parrots. So, avoid to serve pits and seeds.

Frequently Asked Questions  

Can Parrots Eat Banana Skin?

Banana skin is one of the parrot’s favorite foods. Many parrots it may be pet or  wild, all like to eat banana skin because it is soft and easy to digest. Some parrots like to play with banana skin. Excess of anything is bad. But, you can serve fresh banana peel to parrots.

Can Parrots Drink Banana Shake?

Yes, parrots can drink banana shake. It is a good to serve banana shakes to boost parrots health. But, care is necessary while serving banana shake. If you do not add sugar and any more items to banana shake, then it will be okay to serve banana shake to parrots. 

Can Parrots Eat Banana Bread?

Yes, parrots can eat banana bread. The baking kills all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients in the banana.  But, you can serve bananas not on daily basis to parrots. You can not serve bananas on a daily basis to parrots.

To make banana bread attractive and tasty for parrots, you can add small pieces of nuts to it. But you can serve banana bread once a week.

Can Parrots Eat Banana Peels?

If you are thinking can parrots eat banana peels or not?  You need not worry about this. You can add banana peels to parrots food. Banana peel is a source of potassium, fiber, minerals and vitamins. 

If you serve banana peels in excess to parrots, it causes allergies and gut disorder in parrots. The reason is that it contains pesticides which are harmful for parrots’ health.

Can Parrots Eat Banana Chips?

Simple answer is No, parrots can not eat banana chips. It causes severe stomach issues and digestive problems. It contains salt, spices and other preservatives which are harmful for parrots’ health.

As you know, banana chips contain a lot of sugar which is toxic for parrots’ health. It also contains starch which causes diabetes. So, it is better not to add banana chips to parrots pellet.

You can serve bananas to parrots as compared to banana chips to parrots.

Can Parrots Eat Banana Leaves?

Banana leaves are large, waterproof, flexible and decorative. In ancient times, the purpose of banana leaves were writing. It grows up to 8 feets long. Yes, parrots can eat banana leaves. 

Bananas are a delicious meal for parrots. You can serve raw and cooked banana leaves. Parrots like to play with bananas and banana tree leaves as a toy. You can also add frozen leaves to parrots. 

Can Parrots Eat Dried Bananas?

Yes, parrots can eat dried bananas. Parrots enjoy eating dried bananas. It depends on the taste and mood of the parrots. You can place a banana in Sun for a while. Bananas will be dried. Now, You can serve bananas to your parrot. I will suggest you to serve thin slices of dried bananas and dried banana chips to parrots.

Final Words – Can Parrots Eat Banana?

Bananas are an important food for parrots. It is healthy and safe for parrots. Parrots’ digestive system is more sensitive than humans. So, it is better to serve  food which is high in nutrients and full of energy. Bananas have many benefits for parrots. But, at the same time, we cannot ignore its drawbacks.

If you have any query, text me in the comment box, I will answer you soon. Thanks for Reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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