Can Parrot Eat Meat? Everything You Need to Know


Yes, parrots can eat meat. But, it must fed in moderation. Some parrots are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and plants. It is a healthy diet for parrots. The reason is the presence of proteins which are safe for parrots. You can serve both red and white meat to parrots.

In the past, meat has consumed raw. But today, the situation is different. Both cooked and raw meats are safe for parrots. It is preferable to add a little amount of meat to a parrot’s diet for the best health results.

In this article, I will explain: 

  • How to serve meat to parrots? 
  • How often can parrots eat meat? 
  • Merits of eating meat for parrots

Let’s start 🙂

Parrot Species That Can Eat Meat

As a pet lover, I will mention the name of parrot species that loves to eat meat in any form such as:

  • Rainbow Lorikeets
  • Quaker Parrots
  • Alexandrine Parrots
  • Kakarikis Parrot
  • African Parrots
  • Kea Parrots

How to Serve Meat to Parrots?

The form in which food is served to parrots attracts them most.  As a pet owner, you should know how to serve meat to parrots. Here is a little about how to serve meat to your parrots.

  • You should serve only cooked meat to parrots.
  • Don’t drive raw meat. It contains bacteria that are life threatening for parrots.
  • Don’t feed meat to parrots that is cooked with salt, oil and spices. It harms the parrots stomach.
  • You can serve boiled or baked meat to parrots without adding any preservatives.
  • Never overcook meat that results in low nutrients for parrots.

Which Meat Quantity Is Suitable For Parrots?

The quantity of meat which is suitable for parrots depends on the size and weight of your parrot. It is better to serve meat not more than two times a week. You should feed only a limited amount of meat to parrots. Cooked meat is an ideal way to serve meat to parrots. Consult vet, if you see reaction in parrots after offering meat in limited amount.

Pros of Eating Meat for Parrots 

Fruits, vegetables and seeds are also beneficial for parrots. Meat is full of nutrients, vitamins, fats, minerals, proteins and calories etc. So, you should add a small amount of meat to a parrot’s pellet. Here is the list of benefits of eating meat for parrots. 


Protein is an essential nutrient for parrots. Meat is a source of 26.1 grams of protein that helps parrot body to function:

  • Hormone Production
  • Feathering Making
  • Body growth
  • Building Tissue

Release Stress

Chicken helps in decreasing the intensity of stress levels in parrots. It contains those hormones which helps the parrots body to relax and gives a enough amount of energy. It helps parrots to perform daily functions. Meat contains 0.5 mg of vitamin B6 which helps parrots in removing stress.

Boost Immune System

Meat promotes a strong immune system for parrots which helps to rid of viruses, infections and so on. It helps to defend against pathogens and prevent vaccines. Meat contains 250 kcal of calories. Cooked meat is beneficial as all the germs, bacteria and fungi removed when you cook it. It boost parrots energy and calories  that enables parrots body to function.

Strong Bones

Meat is a beneficial diet for parrots. Meat has 12 mg of calcium that strong parrots bones. Meat helps in making strong bones of parrots. It helps parrots to make connective tissues and stores enough calcium. Stronger bones helps parrots in:

  • Improves flying ability
  • Prevents injury
  • Keeps parrot active
  • Make new cells and tissues

Cons Of Eating Meat for Parrots 

Eating meat is healthier for parrots when they eat in a small quantity. But, if you provide your parrot an exceeded limit it can damage their health. Drawbacks of eating meat for parrots are here: 

  • Food poisoning
  • Stomach problems
  • Cholesterol
  • Heart issues 
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy fats
  • Diabetes
  • More calories
  • Liver problems
  • Rise in proteins
  • Allergic reactions
  • Breathing problems

Types of Meat Suitable for Parrots

For good health, you should serve meat to parrots, not on daily basis. There are different types of meat and poultry which are suitable for your parrots’ health.

1. Turkey

Turkey is one of the meat which is suitable for parrots. You can serve them. It contains all essential benefits for parrots. 

2. Duck

Duck is a good protein source for parrots. It also contains fats. So, parrots can eat duck.

3. Fish

Fish is a delicious diet for parrots. It contains all the fats which are not found in plant-based grains. So, it is beneficial for parrots. So, parrots can eat different types of fish. 

4. Chicken 

Parrots like to eat chicken. It is better over all types of meat. It contains a lot of protein. Parrots need proteins for good health results. Only avoid cooking chicken with salt and oil.

Types of Meat Unsafe for Parrots

Different types of meat are not suitable for parrots to consume. This is because they contain toxic materials which affect parrots’ health. Here, I will share my experience about the types of meat which are not safe for parrots and you also need to know about it.

Lamb Meat

Lamb meat is full of saturated fats which results health problems in parrots. That is why you should not serve lamb meat to parrots.

2. Beef

Beef is red meat. Beef meat is not suitable for parrots to eat. It is safe for parrots, if you serve beef meat to them only once in a month and a very small quantity. 

3. Spicy Meat

As a pet owner, you can not serve spicy meat to parrots. Because it cooked with oil, fats, more seasonings and salt. These items include meatballs, burgers, sausages, roast etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Wild Parrots Eat Meat?

Yes, wild parrots can eat meat. In the past, wild parrots only ate fruits, vegetables, plants and other foods. As the time passes, wild parrots develop the nature of eating meat. But all parrot species do not like to eat wild meat. 

Wild parrots also develop the habit of eating dead animals and birds. So, it is better to serve only meat to pet parrots in a small amount for best health results. 

Can Parrots Eat Raw Meat?

Simple answer is No, parrots can not eat raw meat. It increases stomach problems and is life-threatening. In the wild, Kea parrots like to eat raw meat. Bacteria like Listeria, Salmonella etc present in raw meat. It is dangerous for pet parrots do not affect wild parrots. By cooking raw meat, all the germs present inside it, killed. 

Can Kakarikis Eat Meat?

Yes, kakarikis can eat meat. It is unsafe and not ideal diet for birds and especially for parrots. But kakarikis eat meat with much ease as compared to other parrots and birds. 

Can Parrots Eat Cooked Meat?

Yes, parrots can eat cooked meat. It is the best choice to serve meat to parrots. You can serve boiled meat to parrots. When meat is cook, all bacteria, fungi, parasites and germs are kill.

After cooking, it becomes safe for parrots. Taste and color of cooked meat attracts most parrots.

Can Parrots Eat Meat Bones?

No, parrots can not eat meat bones. Some owners serve bones to parrots. But, it is not suggested to serve meat bones to parrot species. It is difficult to digest. Some parrots play with meat bones. They can injured while playing with bones.

In spite of bones, bone marrow is a favorite item for pet parrots as well as for wild parrots. Parrots crush the bones and reach bone marrow.  Bone marrow has many benefits for parrots. Meat bones contain proteins, iron, fats, collagen and Vitamin A. It is vital for parrots’ health.

Final Words – Can Parrots Eat Meat?

It is okay to feed meat to parrots. Anything you serve to parrots gives them the best health results when it fed in moderation. Make sure that you can serve meat to parrots as an occasional treat. If you add excess meat to parrots diet, it will cause severe stomach and digestive problems. 

In this article, I have explained in detail the safe and dangerous meat for parrots. Always serve fresh cooked meat to parrots.

If you have any query, through message ask me in the comment box, I will reply you soon. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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