Can Parrots Eat Dates? Yes or No?


If you are wondering if dates are beneficial for your pet parrots or not? The simple and satisfactory answer is Yes, parrots can eat dates. As a parrot owner, you can feed dates to parrots in moderation. 

Fruits are good for parrots’ healthy life. It is rich in minerals and all necessary compounds. It boosts the immune system and supports parrots in safe flight. It maintains their level of energy.

Dates are full of fiber which aids in digestion. There are about 200 different forms of dates all across the world. Dates of Saudi Arabia are very famous. Dates belong to Genus: Phoenix.

Date palm is a flowering plant in the palm family named Arecaceae. It is famous for its sweet fruit called Dates. Dates are native to the Middle East, South Asia and Northern Africa. Dates are grown in hot tropical weather of deserts.

In this article, I will explain:

  • How to serve dates to parrots?
  • How often can parrots eat dates?
  • Risk in feeding dates to parrots
  • List of fruits safe for parrots
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

How To Introduce Dates To Parrots?

The question is how to introduce dates to parrots? The way in which you serve any food to parrots attracts them most. It is a delicious meal for parrots. It is full of nutrients which helps in parrots growth and proper functioning of body organs.

As a parrot owner for 8 years, I will recommend you have the knowledge how to serve dates to your feathery friend. Here, I will explain some pro tips which you must adopt while feeding dates to your parrots. Here is about these tips:

  • Wash dates.
  • Remove pits from dates.
  • You can feed whole dates to parrots.
  • After removing pits, you can cut the dates into small pieces.
  • You can serve dates with other fruits to parrots.

How Often Parrots Can Eat Dates?

Dates are the best edible fruit for parrots. It has billions, trillions of nutritional and health benefits. You can add only a small amount of dates to parrots food. If you do not kept this in mind, then your parrot will affected. 

It is preferable to serve small pieces of dates two to three times a week in small quantities. This quantity of dates is safe for parrots to consume. If you serve dates in large amounts then it will cause stomach upset and obesity.The reason is that dates are full of sugar which is harmful for parrots and a leading cause of obesity in parrots.

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Which Advantages Parrots Can Get From Eating Dates? – Hidden Truth

The sweet taste of dates attracts most parrot species. It is also the favorite food of birds and many parrot species. It is beneficial for parrots from a health and nutritional point of view. As a pet owner for 8 years, I will describe some amazing and helpful benefits of eating dates for parrots.  Here is a little bit about these benefits:

  • 3 vital antioxidants are present in dates. It enables parrots to fight against viruses and bacteria.
  • Dates are rich in containing 54 mg of magnesium. It allows blood flow through veins and arteries. It protects parrots from heart diseases.
  • Dates are effective in strengthening parrots’ bones. Dates contain 696 mg of magnesium that is useful for parrots bones.
  • Dates comprise of many nutrients. It helps parrots body organs to function and work.
  • Dates are beneficial for boosting the immune system, respiratory and nervous systems. It contains 2 grams of vitamin C.
  • Dates are rich in containing 6.7 grams of fiber which helps in digestion. Dried dates contain 7% of fiber.

Risk In Feeding Dates

Dates have both merits as well as demerits. At the same time, we can not ignore demerits od dates. Dates are a delicious fruit. Parrots enjoy eating it. But it has some demerits. I know that you will surprise to know that dates have disadvantages. As a parrot owner, I will explain demerits of eating dates for parrot species. These demerits are as follows:

  • Obesity
  • Heart Problems
  • Diabetes 
  • Diarrhea
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Stomach upset
  • Digestive Disorders

List Of Fruits That Parrots Eat

Fruit is vital for parrots. You should serve fruits to parrots which are full of all nutrients. Dates are safe and healthy for parrots. It provides great health and nutritional benefits.  Parrots eat fruits, which are low in sugar and full of energy. You will serve only 15 to 30% of fruits to your parrots.

As a pet owner, I will explain all fruits excluding dates that will enables parrots to live a healthy life. 

  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Strawberry 
  • Banana
  • Watermelon 
  • Coconut
  • Orange 
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Pineapple
  • Banana
  • Peaches 
  • Papaya
  • Pear 

According to Journal of Applied Zoology, fruits having nectarine are harmful for parrots. Otherwise you can serve all fruits to parrots.

List of Fruits That Are Harmful for Parrots 

Fruits are of vital importance for parrots. Dates can never harms parrot species, if you feed dates in a small quantity to them. But, some fruits are toxic for parrot species. As a pet owner, I will tell you which fruits are harmful for parrots. Here is the list of fruits which you can not serve to parrots.

  • Apple seeds
  • Peach pit
  • Raw rhubarb
  • Apricot pits
  • Cherries pits
  • Avocado
  • Plums 

Parrots’ have sensitive digestive system as compared to humans and other birds. Pits and seeds have nectarine that are harmful for parrots. So, for best health results, remove pits and seeds and then serve it to parrots.

Which Parrot Species Eat Dates?

Dates are a sweet fruit with a lot of health and nutritional benefits. Parrot species love to eat dates. They enjoy playing with dates’ pits. Dates are full of calcium, carbohydrates, magnesium, potassium, vitamins, fiber and many nutrients. These elements are necessary for parrots. As a parrot lover, here I will discuss the names of those parrot species who like to date. 

  • Conures
  • Budgies
  • Cockatoos
  • African Gray Parrots
  • Cockatiels
  • Hyacinth Macaws

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

Can Parrots eat Dried Dates?

Can Parrots eat Dried Dates?

Yes, parrots can eat dried dates. It is healthier for parrots. Dried dates are rich in sugar as compared to fresh dates. Dried dates are full of  sugar. It causes many problems in parrots such as stomach upset and heart diseases. 

So, you should not serve dried dates to parrots. Dates are a good source of vitamins, calcium, fiber and all essential nutrients. These elements provide great health longevity to parrots life.

Can Parrots Eat Dates Pits?

Unfortunately, parrots can not eat dates’ pits. The reason is that they are very hard and tough for parrots to digest. It causes choking problems in parrots. 

For serving date pits to parrots first make the powder of these pits. It will be okay and safe to feed date pits to parrots. Date pits are edible pits. Date seeds are good for parrots to consume as compared to pits of dates. Many people mix date seeds with date pits. 

It is better to serve date powder to parrots in a very minute quantity. If your parrot feels discomfort after eating date powder, then serve green tea to parrots. 

Can Parrots Eat Dates’ Bread?

No, parrots can not eat dates’ bread. It is dangerous for parrots’ health. Date breads are edible meal but it harms parrots. Date bread makes a healthy breakfast or meal for wild birds. Date bread goes through many processes like oiling, roasting, adding sugar etc. 

By eating dates bread, parrots digestive system disturbs. So, you should not add date bread to parrots food. Date bread contains many nutrients. It contains 118 grams of calories and 2 grams of fats.

Can Parrots Drink Dates Juice?

No, parrots can not drink date juice. It is toxic for parrots’ health. It contains a very big amount of sugar and cyanide which is poisonous for parrots’ health. It keeps parrots hydrated but it is prefer not to feed date juice to parrots. 

Instead of dates juice, you can serve fresh dates to parrots. For birds, dates juice is beneficial. It nourishes the skin. Dates juice will increase the platelets in parrots’ body.

Final Verdict

It is okay to feed dates to parrots. Parrots love its sweet taste. Merits and demerits are two sides of one picture. If  you feed dates  in moderation, it will never effect your cutie pie. Dates are high in sugar that is why you should not serve dates to parrot. 

If you have any query, without any hesitation, ask me in the comment section, I will answer you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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