Blue Eyed Cockatoo [All About this Bird]

Blue - Eyed - Cockatoo

Blue eyes cockatoos are smaller parrot species. You can take this parrot species as your pet bird. Blue eyed cockatoos have a blue ring or a circle around their eyes that gives us sleepy touch to them. They are active social and loving parrot species. It has a multi colored look and attractive personality. Due to this reason that attracts many parrot owners. 

Blue eyed cockatoos are sweet and intelligent among all the species of cockatoos. There are many species of cockatoos, but in wildlife, 4 sub species of blue eyes cockatoos are found. These are: C. s. Normantoni, C. s. Transfreta, C.s. gymnopis and C.s. sanguinea.

In this article, I will tell you:

  • Features of Blue eyed cockatoos 
  • Origin of Blue eyed cockatoos
  • Temperament and vocalization
  • Colors of Blue eyed cockatoos
  • Common health issues
  • Food and exercise
  • Frequently asked questions

Let’s start without wasting time!

Features of Blue Eyed Cockatoo

  • Common name: Little corella cockatoo, bare eyed cockatoo and blue eyed cockatoo 
  • Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea 
  • Size: 16 inches 
  • Age: 50 years

Origin of Blue Eyed Cockatoos

Origin of Blue Eyed Cockatoos

John gold was the first man to describe Blue eyed cockatoos in 1843. Blue eyed cockatoos are native to New Guinea and Australia. In the wild, blue eyed cockatoo has many habitats that range from deserts to plains and coastal areas. 

This parrot species lived in the forest. Blue eyed cockatoos are easily found in agriculture areas. When two or three blue eyed cockatoos are gather, they create a lot of noise. In 2019, the sudden death of 59 species of cockatoos depressed their lovers.


Blue eyed cockatoos are very social. They like to play with their owners. They like to play tricks on them. They are intelligent and friendly parrot species. Due to these qualities, they become a perfect size for pet owners. They are the largest parrot species that need a huge space to live. They like to play with toys and hang upside down. 

This parrot is quite difficult for their owner due to their sticking nature. That’s why they are often named as Velcro birds. They are affectionate birds that will cuddle with their owner. Due to their loving nature, many parrot owners love to carry this parrot species with them.

Speech and Vocalizations

Among all parrot species, blue eyed cockatoos are best in mimicking sounds. They usually mimic human speech. Blue eyed cockatoos love to mimic the voices of the family members or their owner. They are one of the loudest parrot species. They are loud but they are less talkative in nature.

Colors of Blue Eyed Cockatoo

Blue eyed cockatoos have white feathers on their body. Their full body is of white color. They have a little pink color on their face. They have a blue gray color around their eyes and horn color on beak.

Male and female species of blue eyed cockatoos are identical in appearance. But males are larger in size as compared to females.

Care of Blue Eyed Cockatoos

Blue eyes are best choice for the owners, who want a constant friend with them. Blue eyed cockatoo are usually less demanded. This parrot specie wants to get the attention of their owner. If the owner avoid blue eyed cockatoo, then they will start biting their owner. It also show aggressive behavior. As a parrot owner for 8 years, I will prefer you to spend at least three hours on a daily basis with your feathery friend.

As you know, blue eyed cockatoos are large parrot species. They need a very large cage. The cage must be 3 feet long, 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. Exercise and toys are important in interacting with blue eyed cockatoos.

Common Health Issues

Common Health Issues

In blue eyed cockatoos, nutritional deficiency occurs. This can be overcome by serving vitamin supplements to them. Blue eyed cockatoos gain weight, if they eat food that is high in calories and fats. Due to eating unbalanced food, many health problems started in blue eyed cockatoos. These diseases include stomach problems, cancer, digestive disorder etc. These diseases are overcome by serving a balanced diet to parrots.

Food and Nutrition

Blue eyed cockatoo rely on trees and shrubs for their food. They eat seeds, fruits, vegetables, insects, nectar etc. For pet cockatoo, a pellet  should consist of 50% cockatoo’s food. You can also serve make vegetable, fruits, nuts in small amount to the blue eyed cockatoos. Avoid serving large quantity of nuts because they are rich in fats and calories, if taken in excess.

For first time, it is better to serve only quarter cup of pellet, fresh fruits to blue eyed cockatoo on daily basis. Avoid serving chocolate avocado and many other toxic food items to it. Serve plenty of water to keep your parrot hydrated.


All types of cockatoos including blue eyed cockatoo loves to exercise. They like to exercise about 3 to 4 hours. It is better to allow parrots to exercise under your supervision. Due to their large size, cage is not suitable for exercise. So you should train your parrot to do exercise outside cage. 

You can give toys to blue eyed cockatoo as an entertaining exercise. They like to play with wooden and leather toys and many other plastic things. They like to sit on ladders and swings due to hanging upside down. They have curious nature due to which they chew electric wires. So, avoid electric things around your blue eyed cockatoo. It is better to kept an eye on blue eyed cooker when it is outside cage.


  • Blue eyed cockatoo are social. They have cuddly and affectionate nature. 
  • Blue eyed cockatoos are best in mimicking human voices. They are the best speakers. 
  • They like to play tricks with other people or their owner.


  • Blue eyed cockatoo are noisy. So, it is bad choice to live with owner in their apartments.
  • This parrot species requires a lot of training to spend time out of cage. 
  • This parrot species emits are powdery down. It causes allergies among human being and other species around them.

How to Buy the Blue Eyed Cockatoo?

How to Buy the Blue Eyed Cockatoo?

As a parrot owner, I will prefer you to adopt or buy a blue eyed cockatoo from an adoption center or breeder. It i better to concern breeder to know about the nature of the parrot species. You can also consult with blue eyed cockatoos’ owner. 

To know about the characteristics and nature of this bird. This bird is quite expensive. It’s cost is about $2000. As a parrot owner for 8 years, I will tell you some online platforms from where you can buy or adopt a blue eyed cockatoo.

Before buying it it is better to check that your bird is alert active or healthy. You can also check their feathers can color.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Blue Cockatoos Real?

Yes, blue cockatoos are real. They are rare cockatoo species. The cockatoos having blue plumage are extremely rare. Most notable blue cockatoo is palm cockatoo. They have greenish blue colored plumage. Blue cockatoo refers to cockatoos having greyish and blue shades.

Write Names of Cockatoo Species.

As a parrot lover, here, I will tell you, different names of cockatoo species.

  • Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
  • Mitchell’s Cockatoo
  • Palm Cockatoo
  • Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
  • Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo
  • Gang-Gang Cockatoo
  • Cockatiel
  • Long-Billed Corella
  • Little Corella
  • Western Corella
  • Blue-Eyed Cockatoo
  • Salmon-Crested Cockatoo 
  • Umbrella Cockatoo
  • Citron-Crested Cockatoo
  • Ducorps’ Cockatoo
  • Philippine Cockatoo
  • Goffin’s Cockatoo
  • White-Tailed Black Cockatoo
  • Bare-Eyed Cockatoo

Are Blue Cockatoos Endangered?

No, blue cockatoos are not endangered. Many species of cockatoos refer to blue cockatoos. But, palm cockatoos are endangered. They have declared sensitive by IUCN. Poaching, habitat destruction, unavailability of food etc, are main reasons due to which they are endangered. 


It is okay to adopt or buy blue eyed cockatoo. It is a good choice for the owners having a very huge space. They are very friendly parrot species. They love to live with their owners. They make noise but if you bring them, they will become your great friend.

If you have any problem, text me in the comment box, I will answer you soon. Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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