Amazing and Surprising Facts about Ravens!

Amazing and Surprising Facts about Raven!

Ravens are included in a corvid family that includes crows, magpies, jays etc. Ravens are the largest and the excellent intelligent bird creatures. They attract human beings with their complex behavior and extraordinary problem-solving capabilities. They have complex structures. They teach their off springs. They have a great place in cultural mythologies. They are mostly associated with darkness, but ravens are more adaptive species thriving in various environments.

In this article, I will tell you about the amazing and surprising facts about ravens. 

Let’s start without wasting time!

7 Hidden Facts About Ravens

7 Hidden Facts About Ravens

As a raven owner, here I will tell you 7 hidden facts about ravens. 

Keep hovering!

Ravens Are Intelligent Birds

Ravens are famous for exceptional intelligence. They are blessed with multiple abilities.

  • Problem-solving ability: Ravens are blessed with the capability of solving complex puzzles. They can use different tools to get their food. They drop nuts from the height to crack and get the fruit inside it. They also use sticks to find out the insect found inside the trees’ bark.
  • Memory: They have very long-term memory. They have excellent abilities to remember the hidden food spots. It is uncommon for non-human animals that they plan for their future but the ravens do it. For example, they will find safe places for saving their food from extreme weathers.
  • Mimicking Words: Like other birds, ravens can mimic human voices and words. Pet ravens can imitate the sounds of dogs, car engines, human laughter, home appliances etc.

Ravens Have Complex Structures

Revans are famous for their social behavior. They form new relationships with human beings and other fellow species.

  • Forming bonds: It is very common that ravens mate for survival and develop strong bonds with their mates. Both mates are engaged in courtship rituals that include training together, acrobatics etc.
  • Cooperation and teamwork: Ravens work together to achieve their goals. They can distract other birds, while another raven steals food items. They inform other ravens about the damages. They have excellent communication with fellow ravens which shows their cooperation and teamwork.
  • Mourning rituals: Ravens show a special sign of grief when fellow ravens die. They have great emotional feelings and social complexity. They start cawing around the dead body of raven which shows their grief.

Ravens Are Great Fliers 

Simply birds fly for transportation, but ravens fly for transportation as well as for fun activities.

  • Aerial acrobatics: Ravens are famous for having aerial skills, flipping and flying upside down. This behavior shows that they can bond and attract each other. It also shows their enjoyment during flight.
  • Sledding for fun: During the winter season, you see ravens sliding down snow. It shows their enjoyment. This shows their high intelligence which is rare in birds.

Ravens Linked With Mythology 

In history, ravens have a specific place in the culture of human beings. They are depicted as the symbol of mystery, strength, wisdom and death.

  • Norse mythology: In Norse mythology, ravens are symbolized as sign of war, death, wisdom strength etc. Ravens mainly associated with Odin. Odin had two ravens named as Huggin and Muninn. Both ravens flew around the world and brought the information back to Odin.
  • Native American cultures: In native American cultures, ravens are viewed as creators, tricksters etc. Ravens are used in their stories, telling the creation of the world, warning about the danger of pride, greed, curse etc.
  • Literature: Ravens mostly appeared in works of literature, notably in the poem of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”. In this poem, the raven appears as a symbol of grief and loss. The word “Nevermore” is repeated throughout the poem and is associated with darkness.

Ravens Recognize Humans

Ravens are incredible creatures that are famous for recognizing human faces for a long period. They always remember human voices.

  • Long-term memory: Research work shows that ravens can remember human faces who deal with them, kindly or badly for a long period. When they see those persons again, they will react immediately. If human beings serve food to the raven and they will always remember them and want to approach them. On the other hand, if human beings hurt or threaten ravens, then they will also remember these human beings to avoid and harass them.
  • Facial recognition: Ravens have the ability to teach their kids about the particular human beings. They give knowledge to their offspring about trusting and avoiding fellow creatures. This social learning shows their excellent cognitive skills.

Ravens Have Different Eating Habits

Ravens prefer to eat different food items. They are opportunistic birds. They have adapted diet, according to their environment. 

  • Omnivorous diet: Ravens consume a variety of food items like fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains, insects, small animals etc. They are known as scavengers that easily steal food from other animals and birds.
  • Strategic feeders: They have excellent patience levels. They are mostly seen waiting for predators like bears, wolves, lions etc to eat their meal and then they feed on the remains. In wildlife, they they develop a symbiotic relationship with large predators that leads to their scavenging leftovers.

Ravens Are Problem Solvers Birds

Ravens are considered as the best problem solver bird. They do not only solve puzzles, but have unique problem-solving skills that are rare in flying creatures.

  • Tool use: They have great skills of using different types of tools. They use sticks to find insects from crevices. They use twigs to easily catch prey efficiently. Sometimes, ravens store tools that they use for doing future tasks.
  • Stealing food: Ravens are clever birds. They steal food items. They easily find where other birds or animals store food. They use different distraction tricks to get the attention of birds and animals, so that they easily seal food items.


Ravens are extraordinary birds that attract bird lovers through their intelligence, adaptation, complex behavior etc. They have great problem-solving skills. They have a playful nature. They are the most intelligent birds on the planet and they form long-lasting bonds with the owners. Then never forget human behavior and faces. In captivity, they have unique personalities.

If you have any questions regarding the content, text me in the comment box, I will reply to you soon. 

Thanks for reading!

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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