12 Amazing Facts about Bald Eagles – A Symbolic Representation

12 Amazing Facts about Bald Eagles!

In western areas of world, bald eagles are symbolic representations of freedom etc. They are also seen as symbol of majesty. Bald eagles are the national bird of the United States. They hold an important place in the hearts of all people in America. They have striking white feathers due to which they are bald eagles. 

They have a very large wingspan. They have symbolic importance. The species need respect and attention. They have developed extraordinary traits. 

In this article I will tell you:

  • 12 most interesting facts about bald eagles 

Let’s start without wasting time!

Bald Eagles Aren’t Bald

They are bald, but in reality they are not bald.

  • White head feathers: The actual meaning of the bald is white instead of hairless. They have white feathers covering their head. Dark brown feathers cover their remaining body.
  • Distinctive appearance: They have a unique appearance as compared to other birds. Their head is covered with white feathers with a large beak and talons of yellow color. These colors give them a distinctive look, when you see them in the blue sky.

Eyesight Is Outstanding and Exceptional

Bald eagles are famous for their extraordinary vision, especially during night. Good eyesight play an important role in detecting prey from a large distance.

  • Sharp eyesight: When compared with humans, they have five times more sharp eyesight. It allows them to detect fish from 2 miles away.
  • Color perception: They have the ability to detect different colors. It includes the ultraviolet spectrum. It helps them while hunting food in different lighting conditions.

Bald Eagles Have Impressive Speeds

Bald Eagles Have Impressive Speeds

Bald eagles have excellent flight speed giving them a remarkable personality.

  • Flight speed: If bald eagles are flying high in the sky, then they have a speed of 40 miles per hour.
  • Diving: They have a good diving ability. When they made a dive, to hold prey, they accelerated 200 miles per hour. It makes them the fastest birds of prey.

Expert Fishermen

Bald eagles are excellent hunters of fish. Fish make a major part of their meal.

  • Fishing technique: Bald eagles use their sharp talons to grab fish from the water. It increases their accuracy and precision.
  • Scavenging: Bald eagles are actually opportunistic. They rely on dead fish or steel food from different birds ospreys for their survival.

Bald Eagles Make Huge Nests

Due to their large wingspan, they make the largest nest for their ease and comfortness. These birds are known for making huge nests around the world.

  • Nest size: Their nests are named as aeries. They built their nest high on the trees or on cliffs. Approximately,their nests are 8 feets in diameter and carry tons of weight.
  • Nest rebuild: Bald eagles rebuild nest after every year. They collect different new materials every season to rebuild their nest.

Bald Eagles Mate for Life

Bald eagles are monogamous species. They make strong bonds with their life partner.

  • Lifelong bond: When bald eagles make a pair, then they live in the same pair throughout life. Even if the partner dies.

Population Has Recovered 

Due to illegal hunting, the population of bald eagles has reached the edge of extinction. But, now efforts are made to preserve their numbers.

  • Conservation success: In the mid 20th century, population of bald eagles declined. It is due to increase in usage of pesticides that affects eggshells. After the banning of DDT, in 1970’s conservation programs were started. To preserve the bald eagle population.
  • Removed from the endangered list: Organization removed the bad eagles from the list. They declared bald eagles as a great success in conservation programs.

Having a Unique Mating Ritual

They have a unique courtship ritual that makes it different from other birds.

  • Aerial cartwheels: During the courtship rituals, bald eagles don’t move their talons. They perform as cartwheels. They go high and then they turn towards the ground showing their strength.
  • Commitment Sign: They have the ability to form a strong bond with their mate. It shows their commitment with each other. They live throughout with their one partner.

Bald Eagles Live for Decades

Bald Eagles Live for Decades

When compared with other birds, bald eagles have a long lifespan. They live for decades with good health.

  • Lifespan in the wild: The lifespan of wild bald eagles is about 20 to 30 years.
  • Longevity in captivity: Pet bald eagles have larger life span as compared to the wild species. Because they are protected from predators and have easy access to enough food.

Given Protection by Law

Bald eagles have given an important place in American culture. They have given legal protection under laws.

  • Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act: This act was passed in 1940. According to this law, it is illegal to harm bald eagles or destroy their nests.
  • Endangered Species Act: Due to hunting species of bald eagles becoming extinct. A law is made for them. Under this law, they have given protection from hunting to safeguard their future.

Bald Eagles Have 7 Feet Above Wings

The most important feature of bald eagles is that it has a very large wingspan.

  • Wingspan: The wingspan of an adult bald eagle is about 6 to 7 feet. In North America, They are the largest birds of prey.
  • Soaring ability: Large wings enables them to soar without flapping their feathers. It helps them to save their thermal energy. They are excellent gliders.

Bald Eagles Are Found in North America

Bald Eagles Are Found in North America

Bald eagles are native to North America. They are the unique species that live in the United States.

  • Range: A large number of bald eagles are native to Alaska and Canada. They extend over Northern Mexico. Fish is their main food. So, they are found in large water bodies.
  • Bald Eagles’ Population in Alaska: A large number of bald eagles found in Alaska. They have a population of 30,000 species.


For Americans, bald eagles are a national symbol as well as have a symbolic importance. It is an intelligent bird that plays an important role in the ecosystem. They have incredible eyesight, wingspan and hunting power. They like courtship rituals in which they form long bonds with their mates. 

Their population was at the edge of extension. But a few years later, effort was made to conserve this species. Now, they have removed from the list of endangered species. Bald eagles are the symbol of freedom resilience and courage for future generations.

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By Amna Saeed

I'm Amna, and I absolutely adore birds, especially parrots. I've been immersed in the world of these colorful feathered friends for over 10 years. While I'm not a bird doctor, I've gathered a wealth of knowledge on how to care for and understand them. My experiences extend to various bird species like parrots, macaws, cockatoos, canaries, and finches. In addition to my personal adventures with birds, I've dedicated time to volunteering at a local bird rehabilitation center. My true passion lies in sharing what I know about parrots and birds with you. Through my articles, I aim to share the information you need to provide the very best care for your avian companions. So, let's embark on this journey together and make your feathered friends' lives as joyful and healthy as possible!

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